Stockport Green Party contacts

If you want to contact one of our General Election candidates by email then please use the following addresses:

Cheadle (Alex Drury)  

Hazel Grove (Graham Reid):  to be added

Stockport (Helena Mellish)

If you would like to contact Stockport Green Party about a local issue please email us or get in touch via the following ways:  

Co-Chair: Peter Foster
Tel: 07958 123364
3 Launceston Close, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2QR  


If you are a member of the Green Party please contact:

Joint Co-ordinator: David Carter
Tel: 0161 431 4154
29 Devonshire Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport, SK4 4EF




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You can view our 2024 Manifesto HERE