I have lived in Edgeley for over seven years and love the community feel of the place.
I am standing as a Green Party candidate because only the Green Party prioritises the health and happiness of all people as well as the protection of our natural environment. The two go hand in hand. For example, if we all walk and cycle more we gain great physical and mental health benefits and we will create less pollution thereby reducing the health hazard of noxious fumes and helping to combat global warming. And we save money! A win/win/win/win situation!
The council is already doing a lot to promote walking and cycling (‘active’ travel) but they could do a lot more. For example, to make our roads safer, rather than building expensive infrastructure to support cycling we could simply enforce current speed limits and rules about passing distances thereby enabling more people to cycle.
The main concerns within Edgeley seem to be litter, anti-social behaviour and the state of Castle Street. All these things can be improved with a little imagination and with local groups and people working alongside the council.
Castle Street is an amazing street full of independent shops and pubs. It is the social hub for Edgeley. There is some anti-social behaviour and problems with traffic but with investment and effort it could become even more attractive.
It would be my honour to represent the residents of Edgeley on Stockport council. I would work hard, listen to all your concerns and do my utmost to improve our lives here in Edgeley.