My name is Paolo Granelli, and I am the Green Party candidate for Davenport & Cale Green in the May 2nd local elections. I was born in Stockport, and have lived in Davenport for the past five years.
Over the course of my work with the Green Party and as a journalist, I have closely followed local politics and current events, forming closer relationships with local residents and business owners. I hope to continue building these relationships and to use them to maintain and improve our area.
I hope to use my position to platform the voices of our Trans, Disabled and Muslim communities, that may feel under represented on Stockport council. With particular interest in pursuing better step free access for Davenport train station, and the installation of more public defibrillators across the area.
Part of what drives me professionally is finding solutions to problems, and I believe that cross party cooperation is necessary not only to find, but to implement those solutions and make the best use of Stockport’s resources.
You may see me locally, walking my dog, please feel free to approach me, and tell me about the change you wish to see.